Sunday, August 31, 2008

Should we use embryonic stem cells in medical research?

Critical considerations: ethics of use of embryonic stem cells.

The following two extracts were parts of testimonies to the US National Bioethics Advisory Commission.They represent the views of members of the Islamic and Roman Catholic faiths.

As stated by Abdulaziz Sachedina, University of Virginia

“… it is possible to propose the following as acceptable to all schools of thought in Islam.

1. The Koran and the Tradition regard perceivable human life as possible at the later stages of the biological development of the embryo.

2. A fetus is accorded the status of legal person only at the latter stages of its development, when perceptible form and voluntary movement are demonstrated. Hence, in earlier stages, such as when it lodges itself in the uterus and begins its journey to personhood, the embryo cannot be considered as possessing moral status.

3. The silence of the Koran over a criterion for moral status (i.e. when the ensoulment occurs) of the fetus allows a distinction between a biological and a moral person, placing the latter stage after, at least, the first trimester of pregnancy.

In Islam, research on stem cells made possible by biotechnical intervention in the early stages of life is regarded as an act of faith in the ultimate will of God as the Giver of all life, as long as such an intervention is undertaken with the purpose of improving human health.”

As stated by Kevin Wildes, Georgetown University

“… I do not think one can argue that there is, in Roman Catholic thought, opposition to stem cell research itself. The crucial moral issues and stumbling blocks are the problem of the derivation of the stem cells used in the research itself. That is, the destruction of embryos or the use of fetal tissue from abortion are the key moral problems. If you think that embryos should be treated as human persons, then it makes sense to argue that they should not be destroyed for purposes of research. However, if there were a way to conduct stem cell research without destroying human life, either embryonic or fetal, I do not think the Roman Catholic tradition would have a principled opposition to such research. It is important to point out, however, that there is no single Roman Catholic “ position” on this topic or many moral topics. In addition, if one thinks with a Roman Catholic imagination, one must also ask about the questions of justice in devoting resources, especially national resources, to such research when there are so many other basic medical and health needs that are unmet.”

Excepted from pages 17 and 18 in Biology: A Course Companion, Allott A. and Mindorff, D., Oxford University Press, 2007.


Your required assignment is to reflect upon the above comments and then to review the basic viewpoints on stem cell research which can be accessed here. Having read through the arguments both for and against embryonic stem cell use in medical research, please comment on this post by stating your opinion and incorporating one or more of the arguments stated in the viewpoints.

Questions? email and/or ask in class!

Thanks, Mr. A



Anonymous said...

hmmm my opinion on stem cell research goes for it, but also against it in the means that they are trying to play god.


Devin said...

Stem cell research as an idea itself is not an issue. As Allott and Mindorff expressed, it is the source of the stem cells used in research that are the ethical dilemma.
The current source of stem cells used in research is embryonic stem cells from aborted fetal tissue. The problem is the only way to get said tissues is from killing the fetuses. Now, here is where the subject can get rather complicated.
I believe in stem cell research itself. My problem is how they get the material for the work. I don't find the use of embryonic cells offensive. Hundreds of abortions occur every year, yet this material is wasted. The material is given a funeral or anything that resembles what a "living-person" would receive upon death. It is simply burned. Destroyed. Why waste this material if it can be used in a positive way to benefit society? It astounds me that people get worked up over the use of aborted fetal material, but nothing is done after the fetus is aborted. It is simply thrown away, discarded like nothing more than genetic garbage. I find it disturbing that people would rather destroy this material that they so firmly believe shouldn't be aborted in the first place, rather than put the material to use to benefit society. If the life is going to be wasted anyways, why not use it provide a chance for another life to be saved?

Anonymous said...

stem cell is a contoversial because of the use of the embryonic cells. it can save humanity, yet at the cost of a life. im torn between this conflict and cannot explain much.

sethykins said...
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The Greatest said...

Stem cell research is expectantly controversial. If abortion is not accepted by a major religion of the world it is predictable that using the aborted fetuses would not be either. Although there is no definite statement from the Catholic church it is viewed as wrong by the majority of it's followers. Whether your against abortion or not, I dont see the problem with using the embryoes that are going to be discarded anyway. This is also the view of Senator Orrin Hatch. There are people that realize that over 400,00 embryos will be discarded anyway so why not put them to use to possibly save a life? In that case doesn't it give the embryo the chance at life that was already taken away?

--Molly Gonzales

Maruahhh said...

From my point of view I think stem cell reasearch is okay because I agree with Devin, what happens to the discarded fetus after its dead? There is absoloutely no use for it after it is aborted. If its a religious issue it seems a little hypocritical that the Roman Catholic Church is against abortion however, its not like catholic people never had an abortion performed before. It is the choice of the parent whether they want to keep the baby or not, and the reasons behind it should not have an effect on the choice of abortion.
If the mom decides to have an abortion performed then she has no choice of what happens to the fetus afterwards. Really, to me its not such a big deal. Parents don't want the baby, its their choice. The organism is already dead and might as well have a positive effect on society in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

From my point of view the cost of a human life is not enough to save another, if it is your time to go, then it is but you cant take another ones life to keep living yours. I think that it is wrong to test embryos for someones gain in life is just inhumane.

aBmer said...

Stem cell research is a good idea. If the fetus is going to go to waste anyways then why not help other people walk again or even live. If there are people out there willing to use the cells from the aborted fetus to live then why would we let it go to waste? I don't believe in abortion but if using the material of an aborted fetus can save lives then why stop it?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I think that stem cell research is okay. I think that stem cell research is okay because the research is doing positive things for our society, such as finding cures for various diseases and help troubled body organs. But, it is also sad to hear that some stem cells come from aborted fetuses. So, that really stops us and makes us think if it's correct or wrong. Even though it is extremely against religion to have abortions people still have them and they won't probably stop. So, why not make something positive from something that is so negative.
That is were I am thinking; I am completely against abortion but the fetuses and embryons that are taken away are usually just thrown to the trash, so might as well use them to help out our society instead of just simply letting them go to waste.

Anonymous said...

Honestly stem cell research is something that i really never thought about. It can have a good side finding new ways to create and cure, but also taking away what could have been life. Imagine how much the human can learn just by taking the first step of life to study and observe. If it is aborted to begin with, it should be used for a good purpose. Clearly those who dont want it wont mind to the research. Other than that i really take no side, you have your own opinion and im just stating what i think the majority of the people would go with.

.::SuZz BoOz::.
p.s. molly, i love you! hahaha

Joe said...

I believe our homework was to blog about our views on stem cell research? If i'm correct, then my views are like this, IM ALL FOR IT! Stem cell research does nothing but benefit the future of mankind. If a parent chooses to have an abortion, then its settled, rather than just discard the fetus, it should be used for experiments and research before it is discarded. So as you can see, i agree completely with Devin, if a fetus is aborted, it can be used to possibly save another life one day.

Seth Shreve said...

Stem cell research at the base is a great idea and not at all controversial, but when you view some of the methods for procuring and creating stem cells is where you hit many walls. Because Embryonic stem cells are the most useful and the most efficient to use they are preffered, but the fact that they come from aborted fetuses is what makes it controversial to do these studies. I believe that there should be no controversy over use of embryonic stem cells if they are procurred from aborted fetuses but i believe cloning fetuses for the harvesting of stem cells is wrong. Basically if the stem cells are going to waste anyway then use them but they shouldn't be created for the sole purpose of dying. There is far to much to gain from the use of stem cells to continue wasting fetuses that aren't given a funeral that a "living person" would get. Many things such as Parkinsons disease, spinal conditions, nerve damage, and many other previously uncurable ailments are now within the scope of scientists. Why not let them help people, possibly even save lives.

1st Lieutent Blea said...

stem cell research is a great idea. if the parent is goin to get an abortion then why cant we presearve it to do studies. that way it will not be a total loss. It discusts me that people would rather destroy this matter that they so solidly believe shouldn't be aborted in the first place, rather than put the matter to used to help society.

lizzie said...

well my view point of all these embryonic stem cells are that it depends on how you see it. Like it said a human being it can kill or hurt someone. Does it have to do with different type of religions?. Anyways i agree with most of my peers it shouldnt be an issue.
The sources that are used can be solve and working for the material.
Catholic Church has their own opinion but catholic people not all of them have the same opinion like myself i dont agree and will it change anything i dont really think so....

Grace.Leigh said...

I believe that we should do stem cell research on aborted fetuses because they can be used as a tool for research. For example, the wounded soldiers coming home from the war in Iraq with spinal cord injuries. With stem cell research, maybe the spinal cord damage could be repaired. Why not do something good with such a tragedy like abortion?

doug.abshire said...

There are a variety of opinions here but it appears that most people have some agreementon the idea that if abortions are going to happen anyway (ie at this time are presently "legal"), then perhaps some "good" can come from the medical tissue left after the "procedure". Please refer to the rubric on blog posting in order to see how you can improve your assignment grade when posting / commenting. Please talk with me in class if you have any questions. Mr.A

Anonymous said...

in my opinion stem cell research is not that big of a deal. while true it conflicts with my religios beliefs, i will not let that judge my decision. the reason stem cell is a controversy because of the dead fetus that is used. when women get an abortion instead of letting the fetus go to waste, use it for the greater good. use it so that someone can live to see another day and enjoy life. abortion will never be banned, and so why should stem cell research?